My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images

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A New Life! Little A.A.K.

I’m an “aunt” again!  Well, kind of.  This little bundle of joy’s mom is my very best friend.  I love both her parents dearly.  So, I’m “Aunt Hannah” to this little one just as her mother and father are an “aunt” and “uncle” to my children.  I traveled all the way through Pittsburgh to see this little one the day after her big arrival into the world.  If you know me, you know I’m not real Pittsburgh savvy.  I took some wrong turns and didn’t veer far enough left at times, but I got there (and home)!  Thank goodness for GPS and forgiving Pittsburgh drivers!  I wouldn’t have missed it for the world!!! Enjoy!

 Newborn Photographer Wellsburg, WV

Look at this proud dad! And a comfortably relaxed one too!

 Newborn Photography Wellsburg, WV

 Newborn Photographer, Wellsburg WV

 Family Photo Wellsburg, WV

 Wellsburg WV Photographer

 Newborn Photography Wellsburg, WV

Here’s a picture of me holding the new little one! Photo credits go to Jenna Barnes. Taken with her iphone! 🙂

 Wellsburg, WV Photographer

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My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images





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Amanda + Noah
Wheeling Scenic Sites

Kassie + Cullen
Bella Amore

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Summer Oglebay

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