My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images

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N.B. High School Senior Session | W.V. Photographer | Hannah Barlow Photography

Hooray! It’s engagement session season, high school senior session season (that’s a tongue twister), and that means it’s blogging season too!!  Did you catch all those “seasons”? I have to admit, the winter break was a good one….sooooo many big changes are coming to my company, Hannah Barlow Photography!  It was nice to have some down time and get so much accomplished but I was also so ready to get back behind my camera again (and a new one too…YAY!).  

This was my first session of the year that had a good weather forecast!! We were actually sweating by the end of it which was a nice change!  This guy was so easy to work with.  I tell ya…I am really blessed with the clients who hire me.  I’ve never had any of my male seniors give me a hard time and I know men typically detest having their photo taken.  My clients are always so willing to go with the flow and this guy was no different!  My husband should take pointers! 😉  Just kidding, love! No really…let’s take more pictures! 

Of course, for privacy and security reasons, I do not name my seniors but this guy will be graduating here in a couple of months!  So, congrats to you!!  Thanks for being such an outstanding subject!  You made my job easy!


 Wellsburg, WV High School Senior Photo

 Brooke Hills Park Senior Photos

I have limited sports available for senior sessions with a busy wedding season coming up, so if you’d like a spot….get in touch with me ASAP!

Let’s have a warm and wonderful and BEAUTIFUL spring, everyone! 

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My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images





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