My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images

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Melanie & Justin’s Elegant Oglebay Wedding

Hello! It’s FINALLY here (’s only been ten days but it feels like an ETERNITY)! Melanie and Justin’s absolutely, fabulously elegant AND colorful wedding is on the blog right now! Please give them ALL your HANNAH BARLOW Photography love and ENJOY! It sure is a feast for the eyes!

Wedding Collage of Summer Wedding

It’s August…and believe it or not, Melanie and Justin gave me my first very colorful wedding of the year and you all KNOW I love colorful weddings! So, that meant lots of pretty and elegant bridal details to start the day!

Pink and purple wedding bridal details

Gosh, it was so hard for me to decide what to include in this blog and what not to include. I try to make each blog special to the couple and unique to their day but 1500 photos later…I found myself sitting here pondering how to make this one go. You see, this whole day was marvelous (thunderstorms and all). So, I tried to think outside the box and give you things I don’t traditionally share. Hanging dress photos aren’t always my favorite but there was just something about these colors in these moments that I’d like to share with you all. Not to mention that Melanie had Angelo on her side so we were sure to include his attire, as well! I just love it all!

 Mauve bridesmaids dresses hand with bride's gown and bride's man's clothes

Becca was with me this day too! We spent the morning galavanting back and forth from Justin’s room to Melanie’s room! Before the ladies got ready, Justin wanted to film a “game day” like scenario and because their outfits were 10/10 I wanted to include my photos too!

Groom and groomsmen walk out for game day film footage

Then, we took what I like to call a “field trip” back to Melanie’s room. It’s not uncommon to have to run back and forth at Oglebay so we make the best of it! BECAUSEEEEE it was time to get this beautiful bride ready! Melanie and I had chatted about rooms and logistics for months right down to me sending her photo examples of recent weddings. It was bittersweet to see it ALL come together! She had help from her mom, grandma and maid of honor, of course!

Mom and grandma help Bride get ready

Mom and Anka had a hard time holding it together for first looks! What a candid and sweet moment!

Mom and maid of honor tear up during dad first looks

Then, we did bridesmaids’ first look and THEN…first touch and vow moments!

Right and groom stand by stone pillar and have first touch moment

As if this day wasn’t good enough already, it was time to take these beautiful ladies and Angelo out to get their formal photos done. If you know me and you read the blogs, you know that my husband is the ultimate weatherman and loves everything about tracking the weather and knowing the weather. It’s become quite the tradition that he keeps an eye on the weather for me and texts me if there’s any significant updates that could affect my photos. Well, as we were walking, he texted me that some heavy rain was coming soon. I do believe he called it a “downpour” and said I was going to get “slammed”. By the time we got out there, someone yelled “eight minutes”. AND that eight minutes became three minutes very quickly. If you saw my Instagram stories, you know that the wind was blowing and the storm was looming. Bless this bridal party because they didn’t even miss a beat. I was really concerned they would be worried about their hair but I never heard one complaint. AND I wouldn’t have blamed them one bit if they complained the whole time. It was wicked wind! BUT LOOK! They’re SO gorgeous…all of them! You too, Angelo! So, I spent the last 10 days photoshopping hair to the best of my ability to try to hide the fact that some of it was taking straight up and down! HA!

If I had to plan my wedding again, dare I say it and pick favorites…I do believe this is exactly the color palette I’d go for this go round! These colors speak to me on a level I can’t explain.

OoooOh Melanie…MELANIE! I knew from the moment I first met you and then took your engagement photos that you’d be the most beautiful bride! Shoutout to Becca for those stunning second angles!! We were racing the clouds at this point!

Bride poses for bridal portraits

“Planner Ashley” (Plans for Perfection)…that’s what I call her…is the BEST! We had planned and planned some more for this wedding and the impeding rain. Once I excused the girls, she popped (literally popped out a door) and had the men ready to go. I had texted her my ETA and estimated completion time for the ladies so she could have the men on standby. At this point, it was down to the wire! And JUSTIN couldn’t have short hair or a buzz cut….nope…he has “longer” hair that was also wanting to stick STRAIGHT up. Ironically, my groom the day before had the same…what are the chances?! And THAT…is why I haven’t left my chair for a week and a half. HA!

But, in all seriousness, we had a blast with these men! Bridal parties are a whole great VIBE this year!

Groomsmen and tan tuxes pose with groom

Lookin’ good…LOOKINNNNNN’ GOOD! Those clouds behind him? It was making me sweat!

Groom in tan tux poses for photos

In literally the nick of time, we got inside. I photographed reception and heard the rain hitting (no, pelting) the roof…I HEARD IT. I saw Oglebay’s staff pause…look at one another…and pause again. There was another wedding this day too and they were in the middle of a ceremony…outside…getting POURED on. That’s right! It wasn’t us though (but I did get to see many very drenched guests). I got to enjoy the dryness and envelope myself in the beauty that was Glessner Auditorium!

Oglebay's Glessner auditorium wedding reception photos

Luck was on our side because Melanie and Justin planned their INDOOR wedding ceremony in Oglebay’s Fort Henry room and it was stunning. I guess that’s not really luck…that’s just meant to be! I have NEVER seen Fort Henry look so grand! I texted Lauren (Oglebay’s coordinator) this photo and said, “if you need marketing material for Fort Henry…I’ve got THE photo!”

Wood dark ceremony space at Oglebay

It was after photographing the ceremony space that I decided to take one more field trip back to Melanie’s room…because I needed…NEEDED…these photos of her!

Black and white photos of Bride getting ready

WORTH IT! Then, it was time for their ceremony. Ceremonies in Fort Henry are always intimate and beautiful!

Wedding ceremony photos and Oglebay's fort Henry room

We completed family formals and then it was time to go back outside!! It was pretty soppy and wet but again…THIS BRIDAL PARTY! They were total troopers and gave us the most amazing and joyful photos!

Groomsmen and tan tuxes walk and pose with bridesmaids in mauve dresses

Melanie and Justin had origianlly requested the gates behind Oglebay’s mansion. That was one of our planned spots for photos. Well, it had POURED earlier…remember? And I didn’t know how they’d feel about the wet spots…plus, there was lightning bolts in the distance. Yep…more thunderstorms were on their way! I feared if we veered too far from a covered spot…we could get soaked (or worse). So, I gave the couple some options. I ALWAYS do this. It’s totally up to them…I like to feel them out. Melanie was on the fence but Justin had made a comment that it’d be “alright” if we didn’t go and THAT…that expression and statement is what I needed to know we were going to go for it. We were going to the gates! I want my couples to have all the things and all their desires. I snatched up my “just in case” umbrellas and off we went!

Bride and groom walk

And Boy OooOOo BOY was it the correct decision!

Bride and groom pose by stone pillars and black metal fence

They also wanted to go back to the stone and this location is closer to covered safety. We used this stone at their engagement session too (See it HERE). Cue the music…my wedding photographer heart is SINGING! It was a party too! John and Dustin of One & Only Media was there. Ashley and Erin (planners) were there and Lauren was there (Oglebay’s coordinator). It was a PARTY and we were all squealing…or maybe it was just me but I was a HAPPY wedding photographer!

Bride and groom pose by Stone wall

All great things must come to an end because we had a deadline to meet. One of my VERY favorite things Plans for Perfection (Hey, Girl!) does with her couple’s is allow them to have a first look of their own reception and the reactions never disappoint! That’s right…she literally holds guests back so I can not only photograph the space untouched but so the couple can see it themselves untouched. LOVE!

Bride and groom share first look of wedding reception

…THEN…it’s time for announcements. And boy OoOOo boy is a story…always is! And THIS is where I was sweating. Nope…the thunderstorms didn’t get me but THIS moment made me sweat. You see…this couple wanted a dip/cold sparkler photo. I had done one in the past just like this. The “problem” is that it happens live and in seconds and I have no way to know exactly where my settings need to be in my camera. We call this “spray and pray”…meaning I go from this moment below…

Bride and groom enter wedding reception

…to this moment here! Settings are vastly different. You crank down on your available light…hope DJ Brian Oliver’s fires them just right…and “spray and pray”…basically, click click clickkkkkk and hope your guesstimated settings were correct. There is no way to really “test” this moment without firing them ahead of time and ruining the guest surprise. This was Becca’s very first time attempting this and we BOTH nailed it! Wooooooooooooooooo! Talk about glee and relief all at the same time!

Bride and groom dip between sparklers

These two planned a pretty traditional wedding with all the traditional moments and I love that for them! We had first dances, parent dances, cake cutting, speeches…ANDDDD the shoe game!

Wedding reception moments

Then, we table raced…and DJ Brian Oliver gave us 2 minutes…TWO MINUTES. Happy to report…we did it in 2:01…and I refuse to believe it was one second over. This is A LOT of tables! With the couple’s permission, I can email you a copy of your table photo. Give me a description of your table or outfit…because there’s NO way for me to know numbers and I’ll send it along.

Wedding reception group photos

Then, we got right down to partying. As always, Brian rocked the dance floor. We had photo booth fun…and trains…and spin the bottle (wedding edition). You name it…they were partying to it!

Wedding reception open dancing

WOW! Two weddings back to back (this was my second) and both were absolutely stunning and amazing. Decor and aesthetic aside, I couldn’t have asked for better couples this weekend. I’ve got one more August wedding for you after this one! Again, I’m not supposed to choose favorites…but this color palette Melanie and Justin did REALLY called to me. I’m brave and confident enough to report it’s definitely in the top three favorites of all time for Hannah Barlow Photography…AHHHH!!! Maybe, THE favorite…and now I want to plan another wedding all over again.

There was never any doubt in my mind that Melanie and Justin would have the most amazing wedding. They did…and they packed the vendor team AND let me make new friends! We LOVED One & Only Media. It was a BLAST and I told them they have to come back to Oglebay!

Melanie and Justin asked me to hold off on delivering their wedding until today…and it all worked out because for the first time in years, I didn’t have this wedding done in less than a week. Blame all the photoshopping of windy hair! HA! They returned from their honeymoon last night and will wake up this morning to their blog, fully gallery and album draft! AHHHHH!! I can’t quit squealing. This one was SOMETHING.


Disclaimer: Hannah Barlow Photography blogs only represent a small portion of photos the couple actually receives in their private gallery.  The blogs are meant to highlight favorite photos and favorite moments of the wedding day and do not represent an entire gallery.

Ceremony Space – Oglebay’s Fort Henry

Reception Venue – Oglebay’s Pine Room

Wedding Coordinator – Plans for Perfection

Bride’s Gown – MB Bride | Morilee Designer

Men’s Attire – Top Hat Tuxedo

Hair/Makeup – Bongiorno, Bella! Glam to Go

Florist – Honey Bunch Bouquets

Videographer – One & Only Media

Cake – Masterpieces of Old Town

DJ – DJ Brian Oliver

Catering – Oglebay

Transportation – Oglebay Trolly

Stationary – Minted

Officiant – The Vow Guy

Signage – CaligraBre Sign Co.

Caricature Artist – Sam Thong

Photo Booth – Party Pix Entertainment

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My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images





Maddie & Andrew
PIttsburgh Airport Marriott

Sydney & Corey
Fall, Pittsburgh Wedding

Emily & Michael
Summer, Oglebay Wedding

Tara & Corey
Greendance Winery Wedding

Here on the blog, every couple relives their wedding day.

A Keepsake for Every Couple