My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images

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It’s a small world!

I’m a proud member of CM (ClickinMoms).  It’s such a great place for positivity and inspiration!  If you’re not familiar, it’s a online community of women from all over the world with a common interest – photography.  They offer all kinds of opportunities!  Last fall, I took a breakout class and found out that the instructor for that breakout is from my small hometown of Wellsburg, WV.  You’ve got to know that there are thousands of people from all over the globe participating in these forums/classes, so finding someone that was raised in my small town is a BIG DEAL.

Anyway, I got a private message from another member who lives relatively close to where I reside.  She asked if I’d be interested in getting together to take some head shots and other fun photos.  I’m a people person and a talker, so there was no way that I was passing up an opportunity to meet a new friend and take some beautiful photos.  Well,  we met up, shook hands, and moved on to snapping photos.  We were chit chatting when we realized that we have crossed paths in the past…..about 3 years ago.  It’s just crazy!  What a small world!  Here’s some of the pictures that we took.  The photos of me are compliments of Kaela Elliott.  Go check out her website here!

 Wellsburg, WV Photographer

 Wellsburg, WV Photographer

Meet Kaela!  She’s so sweet.  I had such a great time!

You know me.  I’m such a sucker for a good black and white photo.

Such a great experience!  I look forward to doing this again!

By the way, these photos were taken at Oglebay Park in Wheeling, WV.  We found some great places to shoot that I didn’t even know existed!

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My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images





Chelsey + Mike

Amanda + Noah
Wheeling Scenic Sites

Kassie + Cullen
Bella Amore

Melanie + Justin
Summer Oglebay

Here on the blog, every couple relives their wedding day.

A Keepsake for Every Couple