My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images

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Missy & Justin’s St. Clairsville Ohio Outdoor Tent Wedding

OOOoooo my goodness ME! Where do I even start? I’ll warn you now…this whole blog is going to be me gushing and rambling and using WAY too many words like “perfect” and “amazing” so buckle up your wedding seatbelts and brace yourselves for ALLLLLL the Hannah feels! Missy and Justin’s wedding was…something…something great, grand and unimaginable in all the ways! I just can’t stand it in the BEST of ways…it was SOMETHING. Ok…so before I get going 60 mph in this wedding blog as I like to do when I’m excited…let’s give the new Mr. & Mrs. MILLER all your Hannah Barlow Photography love! They are live on the blog NOW! ENJOY! And Happy Friday!

Fall wedding collage

This is usually the point in the blog where I introduce you to the day and talk about the amazing venue with the grand ballroom (because you know I’m a grand ballroom kind of gal) and then I gush about all the vendors the couple hired and how much I loved it. You get it…especially if you’re a loyal blog reader. I kind of have a “script” I follow for the blogs. AND I’ve always been sincere in telling people that I never lie in the blogs and that has remained true and honest for the last 10 years. Even if there were things that went wrong on a particular wedding day or things that weren’t particularly perfect, I will only tell the good parts of a wedding highlighting the moments that spoke to me. AND if you know me well enough, you can usually tell which weddings where are we bit stressful or had some hiccups along the way.

Well, THIS wedding was absolutely none of those things. It had all the good and memorable. It was unlike any wedding I’ve ever photographed in the last decade. Lacey, who is our calm one and goes along with the flow, even approached the bride and told her this was one of her favorite weddings to date. Which made total sense because Lacey also had a fall outdoor wedding with mums so of course I made sure she was the second shooter for this one!

Missy and Justin planned a very DIY wedding WHILE ALSO…making sure they hired the right vendors where it counted…professionally installed tents was a GREAT example. It ended up being SUPER windy early in the day so this was totally a smart move!

I’ll go a little out of order and OFF script (it’s an improv kind of wedding blog) for how we actually photographed this day. I got to meet Christa (who I’m positive I’ve met before…probably at Kristen and Adam’s wedding AND they happened to be in attendance too). She was the friend/planner extraordinaire and if I hadn’t known any better…I would have thought wedding planning was her full time gig.

The tent and decor? 10/10!

Outdoor fall tent wedding details

Gorgeous, right?! That’s not how we actually started of the day. We actually started the day stopping at Justin’s parents home where the girls were getting ready.

Black and white wedding photos of ladies getting ready in silk pajamas

Then, we ran over to Missy’s parents’ house, and got right down to the details.

Fall wedding details

I had planned on using these barn doors but when I got closer…I hadn’t realized how large they actually were…so Lacey held the dress!! That’s right…she’s behind the doors…holding the dress! Gotta do what you gotta do in the name of pretty wedding photos!

Wedding dress hangs on large brown barn doors

We went back inside and finished off with details. I could show you all that but you’ve seen rings and shoes before…how about these dog collars?!

Dog Collar wedding details

So, after getting details done and meeting some of Missy’s family and friends, we headed back to Beth and Tex’s home to photograph the rest of the getting ready portion of the day.

Ladies in orange and green silk pajamas pose with bride

… And then, back to Missy’s parents house! I can’t wait to see the mileage report for this month because I’m sure it’s hysterical with all the back-and-forth we did. Lucky for us, they all live within five minutes of one another so it really wasn’t THAT much back-and-forth. We really could’ve walked to some of the locations. This is the only point in the day I was thinking, “WE NEED AN OFFICIAL PLANNER!”..Christa was back at Missy’s home finishing up with reception. So, Lacey and I flew into planner mode. We were pinning flowers…putting collars on dogs…helping other family and friends get situated…etc. There was even a point I had to use my mom voice and announce, “you are getting married in FIFTEEN minutes…so it’s reallyyyyyyyyy time you get dressed!”. And Missy’s mom helped her out!

Black and white photos of mom helping Bride get ready

Fill my heart and wedding photographer cup RIGHT up! I do believe fall is becoming a favorite season of mine (previously my least favorite in my lifetime…don’t come at me!)

Shout out to Lacey for taking this photo! What do we call it… foreshadowing? I wasn’t an English major and it was definitely my weakest point in school… But her last name on that arch walking into her wedding to get a new last name? What’s the word for that? Because Lacey always sees these opportunities and this photo for me is powerful! Tell me in the comments..what’s the word I’m looking for?!

Dad walks bride down the aisle with last name on arch in background

So, YES! It’s time to change that last name!

Fall outdoor wedding photos

Looking back…outdoor weddings were never my thing and DIY weddings made my nervous. Missy and Justin should plan ALL DIY outdoor weddings because this one was SOMETHING! My tastes are changing, people…they are! I loved this wedding SO much. I want to go back and do it over!

Fall wedding ceremony

After the ceremony, it was time for family formals! In 10 years, I don’t think I’ve had a family formal list as long as Missy’s. After we successfully got through it (for the most part), I told her this fact and she “yelled” and exclaimed, “Hannah! Why didn’t you tell me?!” Well, that’s the thing, this couple didn’t have a bridal party so I thought there would be plenty of time…but 40 minutes into the family formals…I realized I may have made a grave mistake. HA! I am laughing now, after hours of photo shopping, but we got it done! We checked off almost all of the included and requested photos…and I did have to photoshop some kids and dogs BUT that’s par for the course AND we were able to get a picture with EVERYONE in it too!

Wedding photo of all guests at wedding ceremony

Don’t forget about those doggie portraits!

Koda and Daisy are two of the most well behaved dogs I’ve photographed! THEIR OUTFITS…I can’t! I heard Lacey squealing (Lacey doesn’t squeal) and she came and got me to see Daisy’s dress! HA!

Dogs dressed up as flower girl and ringbearer posing with a couple

Then, it was time for couple portraits! Remember, we didn’t have a bridal party so it felt odd…but sooooooooooooo good to know we had all this time left for JUST this couple. It was so peaceful too…just the four of us. And shoutout to Uncle Bob for letting us use his car! We went off roading!

Bride and groom wedding portraits in the fall

It was at this point, I started screaming, “LOOK AT THE SUNNNNNNNNN!” “OOOOOO MY GOODNESS LOOK AT THAT LIGHTTTTT”! AND Missy and Justin started looking. Then, they got confused…then they clarified who and where and what they were looking at and Lacey responded, “Just look at her…she’s not really screaming to anyone but herself!” HA!

That’s all true…but can we all just really appreciate THIS LIGHT! THE LIGHT!

Wedding portrait with glowy sun in the fall

Then, I had to calm myself down and get myself back on track and remember that while we didn’t have a bridal party to take photos of individually, we still had to take individual photos of the bride and groom! First up, Justin… and while I know he doesn’t love photos (and neither did his brother back in 2019), these people are perfect gentlemen and so kind and easy to be around and my goodness do they take amazing photos!!! My couples are always rocking it! Hitting it out of the park! ALLLL the feels!

Groom and tan vest and jeans poses for fall portrait

Missy’s turn! I’ve never loved fall SO MUCH! GAH! Lacey and I were losing our minds…the beauty of it ALLLLLLLLLLL! I want to photograph these people again…and again!

Bride holding orange flowers poses for fall portrait

Just a few more including Lacey running after a dress throw since we didn’t have a long veil!

wedding photo

To a new location! Again…Exhibit B of these men putting up with me and giving me all the “test shots” that end up being website photos (OooooO it’s happening!)

Groom leans on fence post for portrait

At this point, we were so excited so I couldn’t tell you who took what photo. Lacey and I were tag teaming all the angles as we always do at weddings and I just knew this “plain” fence line was going to be something grand! Shout out to Missy’s dad for not brush hogging the fields. As someone who comes from a family that likes to keep their land neat and tidy, I get it. BUT I also knew after their engagement session (which you can see HERE) that this property was going to make absolutely GRAND wedding photos.

And it did not disappoint.

Bride and groom pose by fence and fall field

It’s come to my attention while blogging and as a color loving photographer, I have not been sharing a whole lot of black-and-white photos lately. Rest assured, the black and whites are also fabulous!

Black and white photo of bride and groom

Into the non-brush hogged field we go! The sun was bright so we kept it behind them. They both have blue eyes so that was important. I was tromping through this field on a mission and I had beautiful visions of these photos in my head! Cue more Hannah screaming…I bet they heard me from the house! BUT how could I not?! Just look…LOOK AT THESE!

Bride and groom post for fall portraits in field

AND..then we went to these beautiful barn doors! Again, shoutout to Uncle Bob for letting us use his car! AND for waiting on us!

Bride and groom look away from one another posing in front of barn door

..a dip…was a MUST! Missy hesitated…Justin was ON IT! Lacey’s angle was the best angle!

Groom dips bride in front of Barn Door

Then, to finish it all off…Missy requested some last minute photos in her parent’s lane before we left for the reception. THIS was the perfect way to end the portrait session of the day!

Bride and groom walk down gravel path surrounded by pine trees

Then, we arrived back to Missy and Justin’s home where we found Christa (and some helpers, I believe) had put out the most fabulous dessert and sweets spread in an adjoining tent.

Sweets table with ice cream at wedding

Here’s Uncle Bob driving the couple to their reception destination!

Bride waves out car door

They were announced and the blessing was given. Then, we had an amazing dinner (shout out to Theo’s for always having the best food and treating our vendors phenomenally)! Then, they did all the traditional things – cake cutting, first dance and parent dances!

Fall outdoor wedding reception moments

We table raced which isn’t “new” but was an interesting experience being outside with long tables and everyone spread out. It was a pleasant surprise that it actually went super smoothly AND if you would like a phot of your table (with the couple’s permission, of course) please email me at with a description of your table and I’ll get you a copy!

Wedding guests table race with couple

Then, the sun was setting in a beautiful way. For years…and years…golden hour has been one of my LEAST favorite things to photograph! It’s true! I don’t know why (because most photographers absolutely require this moment and lose their minds if the couple doesn’t request it). But…up until this year…I never really loved it or loved my photos. 2024 has changed that for me AND I think it’s because of my “new” assistant Becca who started last year. She wasn’t at this particular wedding AND I’d like to point out I taught her EVERYTHING she knows (we always joke about that when they start taking better photos than me) BUT…she took golden hour photos with me this past summer…and I loved hers. And dang it…I studied and studied her photos and settings and what she did (even though she claims she doesn’t know how she did it and just guessed). Well, the new and improved Hannah Barlow Photography golden hour photos are better than EVER! I’ve been copying her approach and it’s…it’s just phenomenal now! Golden hour photos for everyone! I’m hooked! I GET IT!

Wedding golden hour photos in Field

Then, it was time to drink, mingle and enjoy each other’s company. I KNEW (considering I had five couples whose weddings I’ve photographed at this wedding) that this would be less of a dancing crowd and more of a mingling crowd. Shoutout again to Lacey for carrying our duo team and walking around and getting soooooo many great photos! I was mingling and chatting and getting the traditional wedding things down and she did the rest! Here are just a FEW highlights!

Outdoor wedding reception moments with guests

And that’s how we left them…mingling…but I did hear it got wild after that sun set!

I always get a few each year that are hard to let go of…and this one was super bittersweet for me. From the moment Missy reached out, I KNEW I had to be her photographer. I actually had shut my calendar down for 2024 in an effort to do less weddings and be more present with my own family on the weekends but as soon as I saw her request come in, heard about her wedding…I HAD to be the photographer if she’d have me. This didn’t feel like work for ONE second. I called Lacey up after Missy officially booked and said, “Please tell me you have this weekend available because you’re going to LOVE this couple and their wedding…and BONUS…you know Justin’s family from a 2019 wedding”!

This is the kind of wedding that just gives you allllll the feels. The people at this wedding are so wholesome and welcoming and just good…down to earth folks. I told Lacey “Any of these people would pull over on the side of the road if we had a flat tire…” and it’s true. There’s just something about being surrounded by good souls…familiar faces…and a WEDDING.

Shoutout to Missy’s Parents, Kim and Paul, and Justin’s parents, Beth and Tex, for allowing us into their homes and welcoming us with open arms!! I hope to see you all…your family and friends too…more! Let’s get more friends married…really…let’s do it!

Well, this was the THIRD “M-Bride Name and Justin” of the year! I had Mallory and Justin…Melanie and Justin and now Missy and Justin! They’re all married. That’s a wrap on another one!

Just five more weddings to go for the 2024 wedding season! See you all next week for another one! AND if you saw any major typos…tell me. I’m a walking typo and the power flashed while I was proof reading! HA! HAVE A GREAT ONE! Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: Hannah Barlow Photography blogs only represent a small portion of photos the couple actually receives in their private gallery.  The blogs are meant to highlight favorite photos and favorite moments of the wedding day and do not represent an entire gallery.


Venue – NONE…Missy’s Parents Home (Ceremony), Missy and Justin’s Home (Reception)

Bride’s Gown – Sorelle

Mother of Bride/Groom Gowns – Sorelle

Hair – Sommer Roth (ColorBar Salon)

Makeup – Shelley Cordner (Color Me Madd)

Florist – Wheeling Flower Shop

Cake/Cookies – Buttermilk Bakery

Ice Cream – Kirk’s Ice Cream

DJ – Friends of the Bride (Dawn and Lloyd Boston)

Catering – Theos

Stationary – RSQP Print Shop

Officiant – Rev. Dan Ponzani

Favors – Etsy

Tent, Tables and Chairs – OV Party Rentals

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My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images





Maddie & Andrew
PIttsburgh Airport Marriott

Sydney & Corey
Fall, Pittsburgh Wedding

Emily & Michael
Summer, Oglebay Wedding

Tara & Corey
Greendance Winery Wedding

Here on the blog, every couple relives their wedding day.

A Keepsake for Every Couple