My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images

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Historic Summit Inn Wedding | Hannah Barlow Photography | Pennsylvania Wedding Photography

Hey Hey!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday!! I’m working in the office today finishing up my last GORGEOUS wedding!  YAY!  I can’t wait to share it all with you!!  This one was also highly anticipated!  I traveled to the Historic Summit Inn in Farmington, PA for this wedding.  I’d never been there before so I enlisted a good friend of mine and fellow photographer, Carrie White, to second shoot with me!! She just happened to be married at this same location last year, so she was the perfect wing woman!  If anyone is looking for an amazing wedding venue, I highly recommend this place!! Amanda and Jeremiah, the owners, have a beautiful location and treat their couples (and vendors like me) with so much kindness. and respectThey were there whenever we needed them…complete with rides around the place in golf carts, stopping golfers from teeing off while we snapped some pictures, making sure cars entering the parking lot didn’t run us over (because when you have a stone building that is soooo beautiful…you MUST take photos there…you’ll see)….and so much more!

Please, sit back, relax, and maybe grab a cup of coffee….this is going to be another LONG one!  It’s sooooo worth it though!


So, who got married?!  Well, you probably already know because I’ve been blasting social media with sneak peeks for the last week, BUT just in case you forgot, Erin and Dennis tied the knot on June 24, 2017!  Remember them?  If not, you can find their beautiful engagement session here.  Don’t forget to come back and see their wedding though!  

As always, lets go back a bit.  Erin’s sister was gracious enough to let us use her property for that engagement session last fall, so I not only got to meet my happy couple for the first time but I also got to meet more of their family!  I knew right away this was going to be a great match!  Her sister welcomed me, a stranger, into her home with open arms, made small talk, and kept me company while the couple finished getting ready!  Erin greeted me with a big hug and Dennis did the same.  It was like I had known them beforehand!  The kindness and love that these two have for not only each other but people like me is astonishing!  It was no different on the wedding day!  When I entered that bridal suite the morning of their big day, I was greeted by Erin and her sisters AND her mom with the same open arms I  had remembered!  No one felt like a stranger!  What I get to do is absolutely amazing, but when you add people like this into the mix….there are no words!

So, lets get to this big wedding!  We had the PERFECT weather!! PERFECT!  Rewind 24 hours….not so much!  This couple didn’t even get to rehearse their ceremony because a tornado had touched down nearby….A TORNADO!  I don’t even need to mention the torrential downpour we experienced on top of it all!  We were ALL keeping an eye on that hourly forecast like crazy people!  It didn’t matter though….because on their actual wedding day…it wasn’t too hot…it wasn’t too cold…it was just perfect! …and now I sound like a nursery rhyme! HA!

Alright, lets see some of this eye candy!

I’m a big fan of bling!  The more bling the better so you can imagine how excited I was when I saw these details! Erin had details to die for!

Guys don’t typically have many details or generally just don’t prefer for them to be photographed but well played, Dennis…well played.  His details rivaled the bride’s details!  A big shout out to Carrie who shot all of the groom’s details and most of the getting ready shots for me!  The juxtaposition of the Michael Kors “Extreme Blue” next to the blue socks….well done…..seriously, I’m clapping over here for both Carrie and Dennis! HA! So, well done!

It was finally time.  It was time to get ready!  I knew from the engagement shoot that Dennis is NOT afraid of the camera.  Erin once told me he was a “ham” and “loves the attention”!  I can type that because he’d probably agree and say the same thing! HA!  These traits are just perfect because I love a groom who likes having his picture taken! WOOOOOOOO!  Dennis is a free spirit, jokester, gentleman, hard worker, great role model….I could go on and on!  He’s very easy to be around and will not only do what you ask him to do, but he’ll add his own personality and ideas into the mix!  That’s HUGE for a wedding photographer like me!!

Check him out!  He doesn’t take a bad photo!  While I normally say the light loves the brides, the light loves him too!  Should out to Carrie again…these are her shots!

It was so hard to narrow down the photos I wanted to blog!  I went back and forth and finally settled on some of these!!  Of all my weddings and grooms this year, I had the most photos at this wedding because Dennis just kept on letting us…and click away!  I should mention we had a ROCKING timeline, as well!!  Great job, guys!

Now, it’s time for this beautifully stunning bride to get ready!  If you know me, I don’t hide my emotions.  I don’t even try to!  When the florist showed up with this fabulous, fit-for-a-celebrity bouquet, I jumped up and down right along with Erin!  Seriously, this thing was AMAZING!  I’m a sucker for a great, floral bouquet, but when you bring me one like this… I just can’t stand it! GAH!  I’ll jump up and down and squeal like a kid on Christmas morning because that’s what it felt like when I laid my eyes on this puppy! 

Seriously, isn’t she stunning?!  Those flowers just make this photo!

I told her when I was taking these I was going to do black and white FOREVER!  …and I did! AHHH!

My brides are killing it with these window shots!! The light loves them and Erin was no different!  Shout out to Carrie who took the bottom right hand photo below.  Kady and Julia did an AMAZING job on hair and makeup!  I’d like to mention they were super accommodating too when I first got there and wanted to share the window light! 🙂  That’s what this experience is all about….brides, family, friends, and vendors making this day come together! 

After the couple was done getting ready, we were going to head out for their first look.  Before we jumped in the golf carts, we headed down to shoot some details of the fabulous ballroom!

The details of this wedding were simple while still having that pop of bling!  It was beautiful!

So, the couple wanted to do their first look at this treehouse.  A TREEHOUSE! YES!  I don’t care how bright that sun was….I said, “YES PLEASE!  Let’s do this!”.  These two are so sweet and the love and respect they have for one another is amazing.  I’m so grateful to have witnessed this moment and to have been given the opportunity to capture these memories!

The anticipation was KILLER!  Even for me! HA!  I love this couple so much and I knew when they saw each other is was going to be magical!  They didn’t disappoint!

There were tears of happiness.  These two aren’t afraid to show their emotions.  You’re seeing genuine adoration here!

So, now the couple had seen each other for the first time!  We moved on to formals on the golf course!  I apologize to any golfers who had to stand and watch us take pictures but I thank each and every one of you!  You were so patient and I think I missed the “just five minute” mark I had promised.  Seriously, all the people we were surrounded by on this day were amazing….even the golfers whose game we momentarily interrupted!  Seriously though…when you have a view like this and a sky like this and a couple like this….you need this picture, RIGHT?!  I thank Amanda for recommending this spot earlier in the day!

That pesky sun wasn’t going to ruin these shots for me!! I busted out my off camera flash and “flashed” my couple (as I always say)! HA!  Thanks, Carrie, for being my lighting assistant during these!

This one below is one of my favorite shots!

Then, Jeremiah and Amanda (the owners of the Summit I mentioned above) drove us (via golf carts) to this location!  We didn’t spend a ton of time here because the sun was not cooperating (and anyone who knows me knows I do NOT love that spotty light through the trees) plus those fabulous stilettos on Erin’s feet did not love this gravel path….but who can tell?!  Check out these images!! Some of my favorites in their whole formal set!  Even when they aren’t posing, they look great!

Another thing I love about this couple is they must have taken notes (or just have an awesome memory) from their engagement session last fall.  They loved the walking and the snuggling and the dancing (and the spinning), so this was the PERFECT location to do those things again!  They make it look so good and effortless!

Now, let’s move on to the biggest group of formal photos!! There’s an amazing carriage house right beside the Summit Inn and it’s stone.  It also has arches. Those are some of MY FAVORITE THINGS!  The ground was also still pretty soggy from the rainstorm the night before, so this seemed like the best spot for the larger part of formal photos!

She is FIERCE!  Whether she’s smiling or looking like a runway model, Erin knows how to pose in front of my camera!

Dennis is a lucky man.  She’s a beauty inside and out!

Speaking of Dennis…he’s a good looking groom who also knows how to pose in front of the camera! AHHHH! I was in heaven!

Seriously though…he knew when to turn and face Carrie and then face me again.  He knew how to stand!  He rocked it!  Great job!

Then, we let him throw his personality into the mix!! Loving this!

Now, lets meet Carter!! Carter is Erin’s little one and while he isn’t a huge fan of my camera, his love and admiration for Dennis can’t keep him from grinning!  These two are two peas in a pod!  Can’t you tell?!

We, of course, had to add mom into the mix AND she had to give him some mom love!  They are a beautiful family!

Check out this bridal party!! I’m like a broken record but I can’t say it enough….I get SO lucky when it comes to my bridal parties!

Check out all these beauties (the flowers too, of course).  These ladies were rocking it!

Yes, guys…you were rocking it too…to the point they all suggested and insisted they have a “shoe shot” (which I didn’t even take of the ladies, HA!).  I THINK those are impact drivers on the right (Dad, close your eyes and ears…I know I should know this! HA!).  Dennis and his brother Mike work construction and when I suggested they take one formal, serious shot and one that “reflected their personalities”, they immediately “NEEDED” these tools for their particular shot!  I can’t tell you who ultimately went and retrieved them (or where they came from for that matter) but it’s perfect. HA!  I love guys who get into this.  It makes for such an enjoyable day and we all know photos can be a drag! Not with this group though!

More formal photos of the couple because….why would we stop when they look this good?!

Any couple who has worked with me knows I have a very unique ways of posing my couples!  This one below is one of my favorites and I do believe this was right before (or maybe after) Dennis said..”Hey! You haven’t asked me to sniff her face yet!”…..Bahahaha!  Yes, people…many times when my couples are smiling and snuggling and giggling in their photos…they are really just sniffing each other and laughing hysterically because I’m that ridiculous sometimes! HEY! It works though!  Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!

…and before we finished up, we had to have some fun with the dress and veil!! Many thanks to Carrie for being my veil thrower!

Now, lets make this official!

There were so many happy tears falling at this ceremony and generally so much happiness!  This was an amazing ceremony and I found myself smiling the whole time.  The officiant (and friend) rocked it!

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Alexander everybody!! Family of three! EEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!

Now that it was official…it was time to get the party started!!!

Here is one of my favorites from their first dance…black and white, of course!

I often tell my couples to remember to have fun during their first dance!  Of course, these two did not disappoint!  They laughed all day (and night) long!

I don’t typically share speech photos because we’ve all seen them, but the happy tears were flowing….and laughter was filling the room…..and both sets of parents got up there and had a moment with the couple.  The love in this room was overflowing so I felt I really needed to share!

Now, let’s REALLY get this part started!  The dance moves were off the hook!

You KNOW it’s a good party when there is a money gun.  A MONEY GUN! Seriously, how cool is that?!  Prior to their traditional, Hungarian, money dance….there were dollar bills flying in the air!  I actually knew about this earlier.  Dennis’ room was packed with guys when he was getting ready and they were testing out these guns (like target practice) to make sure all the kinks were worked out for this particular moment! Soooooo funny!

I have actually never experienced a Hungarian bridal dance. It was AMAZING!  I loved it!  If you’re unfamiliar, there is an old tradition when people would dance and give money to the bride.   She would then present the money (and handkerchiefs) to her groom.  People would also kidnap the bride and the groom had to fight to find her and take her back!  That’s generally how I understood this tradition to go, but please (anyone) correct me if I missed any major facts!

Erin and Dennis did a version of this and it was SO FUN!

When it came to the kidnapping, the guests took it very seriously!  Dennis literally had to wrestle his way into the circle to get his bride!  Ultimatley, he succedded, of course! 

I usually don’t like to bother my couple once we get to the reception and I generally don’t like to remove them from the party BUT….I had mentioned to Erin earlier in the day that rumor had it (from some guests I had spoken to) this venue had an amazing sunset.  I told her I’d check it out if she wanted and come get her if it was true! Well, it WAS true!  I went out and saw the sun setting and knew I needed to photograph them in front of it!   Beautiful venue, beautiful hortizon, beautiful sunset, amazing couple……yea, we REALLY needed to take these and Erin and Dennis were totally on board! 

This might be my favorite but I really can’t decide! 

Surprise! They dipped!  Probably not a surprise to most of you though because I LOVE when my couples dip!  I also love that every couple has their own take on it.  I told Erin and Dennis I couldn’t remember their dip photo from the engagement session and they started busting out laughing and reminded me that it was…not so good…back then! Well, congrats, Erin and Dennis….the practice paid off!! You NAILED IT!

Because sunsets never last too long and we most certainly did not want to miss anymore of the party, we headed back in to finish the party!  

So, here’s the thing about that photo of me in the bottom corner.  We’d been at it for 14+ hours at this point.  My makeup was long gone and my hair was thrown up.  It was 11 p.m… but when your couple is so amazing and still (somehow) LOOK amazing and come up to you at the end of the night to say thank you and give you hugs and say goodbye….you MUST have a photo with them (even with a quadruple double chin).  Selfies are HARD with that camera and lens and flash!  I need to practice!  But that’s just one more thing I love about this job of mine….the people I meet…the moments I get to be a part of!  These two are very dear to my heart and I can’t thank them enough for treating me as a friend…not a photographer.

….and one last set because I can!

Congrats to Erin, Dennis, and Carter (and the rest of their family and friends)!  I thank you again for allowing Carrie and I to be a huge part of this big day!

It was BEAUTIFUL all the way around!


Many wonderful vendors came together to make this day memorable!  Please use the information and links below to find out more information!

Bride’s Gown – Sorelle Bridal Salon

Bridesmaid Dresses – Lulus

Men’s Attire – Men’s Wearhouse

Hair – Kady Apodiakos (Geno Levi Salon)

Makeup – Julia Whaby (Capristo Salon)

Florist – Barton’s

Videographer – Robert Davis (Davis Photography)

Cake – Barton’s

DJ – Lethal DJ

Venue/Catering – The Historic Summit Inn

Invitations – Wedding Paper Divas

Officiant – Jonathan Taplin

Decor/Ceremony Pergola – Extravaganza Events and Rentals 


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My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images





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Here on the blog, every couple relives their wedding day.

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