My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images

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G.D. High School Senior Session | Hannah Barlow Photography | WV & OH High School Senior Photography

Happy Sunday, everyone!  I’m so proud to show you my most recent high school, senior session!  This is G.D. (I always keep my seniors’ names confidential so they aren’t Google-able in 20 years 🙂 )!  He is my most recent student to be in front of my camera!  He’ll be a senior this year at St. Clairsville High School in Ohio!  The guys in front of my camera always make me smile!!  Men traditionally don’t look forward to having their photo taken but whether it’s a groom or a high school senior, they all seem to put up with me and with a smile on their faces!  G.D. was no different!! He was game for whatever I asked him to do and for a whole two hours!  He totally rocked it!  It didn’t take him long to learn my preferences and style either and he quickly started putting his own twist on things which is always AWESOME!

G.D.’s mom was the one who hired me!  She is one of the most sweetest and strongest women I know.  She is also one heck of a nurse!! I first met her when I was a brand new nurse fresh out of college.  It can be down right frightening when you’re new but she took me under her wing and was always so kind to me when we worked together.  I’ll never forget that!  As you can imagine, I was so happy to see her again since it had been such a long time!!  It was no surprise either that she (and her husband) have raised such a kind, respectful, young man!  G.D. is going to do big things one day as a result of his two parents! I just know it!

So, let’s get on to these photos, shall we?!  This was a rather large gallery and it was SO HARD for me to narrow down which ones to edit let alone decide which ones to blog!  I finally did it though, so here are some of my very favorites!


We stopped at the “famous” covered bridge in St. Clairsville, OH.  If this location looks familiar to you, it’s probably because I recently took some wedding photos here too!  If you want to see that wedding, you can click here but don’t forget to come back and check out these awesome photos too!

G.D. was a natural! He took my direction very well and threw in some of his own ideas!

This family knew how to get to my heart.  They welcomed me to their home and took me out on their farm (and let me drive in the fields) AND threw in some farm equipment AND it was vintage (I think…HA!)!!  Wow…that’s a run on sentence if I’ve ever seen one (Sorry, Ms. Stone!)…. EEKKKK!! Heaven….I was in heaven though!

This one below is probably one of my very favorites!

This tractor and this young guy do not have any bad angles! Nope!  Just take a look!

G.D. loves his Jeep!! Perfect!  I don’t typically love props for any other sessions except high school senior sessions!! I do think they belong in these types of photos though because it helps show off each senior’s personality!  This family did not come unprepared!  All I had to do was stand and snap photos!

Country girls like me will lay down in prickly fields to get shots like these ones below!!  I can’t remember the last session where I didn’t end up rashy or muddy! HA! I wanted to make the Jeep look as big as possible in that open field though and I really loved these angles!

I also wanted to do some simple and more “traditional” photos.  I think these turned out lovely! 

Of course, we had to add some details of those hay fields in!  At this point, G.D. was willing to do just about anything so we just kept snapping away!

Funny story about these photos below.  Anyone who knows my “photographer side” knows I detest poles in my photos.  I don’t like them.  I think they clutter and distract….nope.  I’ll avoid them at all costs when I can!  At one point during this session, I asked G.D. if he had any personal or emotional attachment to the electrical poles (because I thoroughly intended to photoshop them right out and RIGHT AWAY when I got home).  He laughed and said “no” but joked that we could intentionally take photos with them.  Well, you know me!  I totally called him on it and had him pose here and LOOK….I love it!  The electrical pole photos were keepers…..well played, G.D., well played!  We both won this one!

THEN, they had MORE tractors!  Let the John Deere fans throw their hands up!  This family has had this tractor since G.D. was small and his brother also had some senior photos taken with it.  So, we needed some too, of course!

Guys can be really hard to pose sometimes but we had no issues!  Between the two of us we came up with so much variety!!

We made another stop at the corn crib.  Seriously, I love the variety in this gallery!

We were starting to lose some light but I wanted to take just a few more and he was more than willing!!!  I still can’t decide which ones I like the most!! AHHHH!!!

Ooo I almost forgot!  I knew I was missing a few!! At the beginning of the session, we met first at the St. Clairsville, Ohio Red Devil football field!! G.D. will be a senior varsity high school football player this year!!! #70…Woot Woot!

I can’t thank this family enough for hiring me and welcoming me to their stomping grounds!! I had a wonderful time and can’t believe the amount of amazing photos we got out of this session!!  Maybe, just maybe, I’ll see G.D. one day as a groomsman or maybe even a groom!!!! AHHH!! It’s a small world after all (sang in my best Disney voice)!  Thanks for looking!

Happy Sunday!

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My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images





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