Next up, another Erin (but only one “n”) and Dennis! All I can say about this one is that it was an entire day of AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHs! I mean, I just can’t!! I can’t talk about this wedding and not squeal like a lunatic! Erin was just as excited as me too. Dennis didn’t mind having his photo taken one little bit either and just AHHHHHHH!!!!! You’ll see what I mean here in a second! From the weather to the colors to the people to the venue…get it? We didn’t have ANYTHING go wrong this day and it was all just pure perfection, I tell ya! We’ll get to this amazing wedding but FIRST…their also ooOOo so perfection engagement session! So, I don’t even have to say much except that I don’t THINK it rained this day. I don’t remember it if it did. We did these at Erin’s sister’s home (I think it was her house…maybe not…it was someone’s house! Help me out!) HA! These two stole my wedding photographer heart, I’m telling you! And that’s Carter! I can’t BELIEVE how little he is there…this was almost FOUR years ago!! WHATTTTTTTTTT?!
I remember this moment the “walk snuggle walk” was born! OooO memories AND Dennis put 110% into it (little did I know most men would HATE this so much) but he got me SO excited about it!
These two DO NOT know how to take a bad photo…it’s amazing!
SEEEEEEE?! Not one bad one! I was SO PUMPED up for their 2017 wedding!!
…and here it comes!! My friend Carrie (of Carrie Leigh Photography) was already set to second shoot this with me. So, we left the other Kari behind and off to the Summit Inn we went. I’m SO SAD. I was supposed to go back this May but that wedding got moved and I had to pass it to a dear friend!! WAAAAA!! I’m so sad!! This venue (The Summit Inn) has some of THE BEST photo opportunity locations and I was just so excited to get back. SO, for now, I’m just going to enjoy it while looking at these beauties!! Enjoy! We’re throwing back to June of 2017! These details are just glam heaven!
You all know my “policy”…if I can get my hands on (NOT literally) a groom who likes his picture taken….he’s getting ALLLLLLLLLL the pictures! Look at Dennis go!
So, this was a Hannah Barlow Photography first! HA! Cars on the bed…money flying through the air! This comes into play later, I promise!
So, I think this is my favorite bouquet ever!! It’s DEFINITELY in the top five, that’s for sure!! I remember the florist bringing it in and Erin and I literally (together) jumped up and down and screamed with delight! This thing was a BEAST too but OoOo my goodness me it was BEAUTIFUL! There’s just something about it!
Also, this was one of my favorite window shots EVER! It still hangs in the studio and couples always comment on it when they come for their consultations!
Carrie took this one, I remember! I’m telling ya, Dennis did NOT miss a photo op! Everyone needs to channel Dennis this year! I need lots of enthusiastic grooms on my side because I’m going to be a mad woman when I’m finally allowed to go out and shoot! HA!
They did a treehouse first look!! HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT!? AHHHHHHHH!!!!
I’m probably sounding like a broken record but even the clouds were perfect!! We got SO lucky this day and you throw this couple in front of my camera and it was pure perfection!!
Even the forest was pretty!
…and the stones and the green moss. Is she not a STUNNING bride?!
CARTER! Poor guy wanted nothing to do with photos but he powered through it! I can’t believe how tiny he is here! I follow Erin on IG and he’s a little man now!! AAAHHH!! Time flies!
THIS also hangs in my studio! HA! It’s one of my favorite “group hug” bridal party photos because they were legit laughing it out! Can you feel their genuine happiness?!
We took bride and groom formals for HOURS! Just look at the size of that bouquet!! I just can’t even!
We had a ball during family formals but I always loved these sweet ones with Erin and her momma!
Then, we went into the reception for cocktail hour and right back out for the Summit Inn’s amazing sunset!! AMAZING!
It was quite the rocking party too! People were dancing and posing..and dancing and posing! Then, the money started flying! HA! I told you you’d see it again!
AND…I think this was the FIRST Hannah Barlow Photography selfie with a couple. I remember them coming up at the end of the night (it was a late one…after 11 PM) and asking for it and it warmed my heart and I just KNEW I wanted to keep doing this FOREVVVVERRRRR!! Thank you, Erin and Dennis for helping me see my future!! Your wedding was definitely one I just KNEW I wanted to do this over and over…and over again!! You’re both THE BEST!
SO, WHERE ARE THEY NOW?! Well, they will be celebrating their third anniversary this summer! Their family has grown quite a bit too! They have Carter and a one year old AND a surprise baby on the way!! They also have a new puppy! They’re expanding their company and heading to a new headquarters, as well! They’re also planning to do some major renovations to their home! Her sister is also a photographer so while I don’t get to see them…I get to look at ALL these pretty photos!! WEEEEE!
NEXT UP, Addie and Camden!! WEEEEEE! Addie is SUCH a fun person and I’ve followed her ever since her wedding on IG. She’s ALWAYS into something and a super planner! Remember their January 1st, winter engagement session?! I remember her telling me they were awkward in front of the camera. NO WAY!! Nope! Just look!
Camden may hate taking photos but he takes an AMAZING photo!!! WEEEEE! I always did love the feel of these and I particularly loved his jacket and scarf!
AHHHHH!!! The Christmas lover in me always loved this one below!!! Isn’t her outfit just fabulous?! I told you…she’s a planner!
Then, last year their wedding rolled around in June!!! EEEEKKK! Lacey shot this beauty with me with Ashleigh as assistant and there are some pretty recognizable moments in these babies!! FIRST, the details! I’ll just give you ALLLLL the details again. Goodness gracious, it’s SO “Addie”!
I think Lacey and I took more details at this wedding than most the entire year! HA! Sometimes we love it so much you literally have to pull us away!
Thanks to family and friends, the spread and getting ready areas (yes…even the food) was detailed out! Just give me ALLLL the details!
This is one of my favorite “rings by the new last name” photos (below).
That ring photo on the right (below) is actually on my new investment guides. I love looooooooooved these detail shots! AAHHHH! This blog is just full of photos that you can find all over my studio AND my guides!
Talk about some stunning black and white getting ready shots!! HOLY MOLY!! I was SO stressed about timeline for the beginning of this day! I wanted to give Addie it all! But then we got photos like these, and it’s hard to even remember how much we were scrambling, right?!
Soooo good, right?! AH! I’m having trouble keeping this blog short. Ok. Jeesh. If I didn’t hold myself back, I’d end up just posting the whole thing again! HA! So, for sake of keeping it short”er”…I’ll tell you they had their ceremony at Our Lady of Peace in Wheeling (Bethlehem…I think) and then we did these formals….and GUESS WHAT! It did NOT rain on either their engagement session OR their wedding. Addie, you must be my good luck charm!! WOOO! Give me a black tux and my heart is happy happy happy!
Always a favorite of mine!
We needed ALLLLLL the angles!! ALLL OF THEM!
Right after these photos (below), we had even taken a “running” photo with the plan to photoshop a dinosaur into the mix. Then, #covid19. Ughhhhhhhhh. I did not forget!! Just gotta get all this other stuff out of the way first!
….*drum roll please*….the only photo Addie REALLY wanted (that I remember) was this bridge photo. The wind gave us everything we wanted and more! This is one of Addie’s favorites…or maybe THE favorite! Isn’t it pure perfection?!
Then, we were off to their reception at River City! Can you feel the party vibes happening?!
They even had a kid table! Do you remember?!
…and it was a PARTY!
Seriously…a HUGE party!
We were sweaty messes but it was 110% WORTH IT!! It was an AMAZING day! CONGRATS TO THE BOGGS!
SO, WHERE ARE THEY NOW?! Well, even though these two haven’t even been married a year, they’ve done SO MUCH!! Holy moly! FIRST, they moved from Morgantown, WV to Wheeling, WV! They knew eventually it would happen but didn’t expect it so quickly! Camden got hired at the Wheeling Fire Department as a firefighter/paramedic and ended up also getting hired much quicker which put their move in motion! Addie started searching for a teaching job and was hired in Ohio Country Schools as a special education behavior disorders teacher. They had begun the house hunt after their wedding in the later summer. I remember Addie telling me they had lost a contract on the house they really wanted but then it was all meant to be. They found a beautiful fixer upper. They spent three months renovating it (which I followed like a stalker on IG). You’ll get to see some photos below! Then, things started to slow down for them this past February and they adopted their second fur baby, Torque (you all probably remember Winnie from their engagement session). So yea…in less than a year they’ve moved, remodeled a house (by themselves with the help of some family, friends, Google and You Tube), and got a new puppy. I’m pretty sure Addie was finishing school or something (girl, remind me) too. She left that part out, I think! And she was promoting her book “The Wonderfully Wild Ones”. Can you keep up with all that?! Just look what they did to their house!! CRAZY!
Who doesn’t love a good before and after?!
Are they not just the cutest fur babies you’ve ever seen?!
Ok. Ok…ONE more!! WEEEE!!! Congrats on more time to the BOGGS!
If you’d like to see their entire wedding blogs, use the links below!