My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images

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Past August Hannah Barlow Photography weddings…HERE WE GO!

First, let’s throw back to Maddie and Cody’s wedding in the summer of 2018.  My good friend Jenna was shooting for me at the time while Kari was on maternity leave (Lacey and Sam weren’t even in the picture yet…crazy, right?!) and I remember it being HOT.  Their engagement session wasn’t as warm but felt ooey gooey warm when you really look at the photos!  Awwwww Arson!  She used to be an only child!

Maddie!! I forgot ALL about us doing photos here!!

Cody hated it but he was such a great sport!

This spot at Oglebay has some of THE BEST light!! It’s my secret spot!! I actually need to take some couples here sometime on their wedding days!! EEEEK!

Then, fast forward to the next year…August 2018!  We started off at Maddie’s parents’ home!  Another favorite bouquet of mine!!! EEEEKKKK!  I just love an overly STUFFED flower bouquet with all the pretties!

Groom details!!

She’s one of the prettiest flower girls I’ve ever seen AND so sweet admiring that dress!

OOoO Maddie!! I hope I get to shoot in this sun room again one day!!  Remember, Maddie is a twin!  Her other two sisters are twins too!! A GIRL CAN DREAM, right?!  Dress disaster aside, this day went by flawlessly!  We actually just talked about that dress disaster in one of my virtual workshops!

Maddie’s parents are the sweetest people and take the cutest photos!! If you remember, we had her dad all set up and ready to go for the first look with his daughter and his wife popped out!! They rolled with it and just LOOK!

Then, Maddie got to come out!

….and then she did a first look with her husband to be!

It was a beautiful ceremony!! I think this was my first time at St. Mary’s!

Wedding Ceremony

THEN, it was time for my favorite part of the day – wedding formal photos!  Maddie took that veil off.  We laugh about it now but she was seriously SET on not putting that thing back on!! We talked her into it and I’m SO glad!

We even had to send someone running to the limo for it!

These photos with those yellow flowers are STILL some of my favorites!! They are in my studio and on my cover photo on Facebook!

The variety for this gallery was off the charts!  Thanks to Maddie, this because a new favorite spot for me!

Then, we headed to the reception at Generations to party the night away with DJ Brian Oliver!

You all know he’s one of my favorites and throws a HUGE party!! There is NEVER EVER a lack of dancing on the dance floor!  This sign made for the perfect photo!

Grand finale photo!! WOOOOOOO!  I love when I can tie up loose ends with a photo like this!!! YAY!

Black and White Wedding Photo Outside River City

SO, WHERE ARE THEY NOW?!  Maddie says, “Well, it’s been almost 2 years since our hot, gorgeous, August wedding!”  Ain’t that the truth!?  I was SO sweaty and gross after her wedding! HA!  They’ve stayed super busy which is the normal for them!  They became Godparents to their sweet little Gracelynn Ann!  They’re also getting to become Aunt and Uncle this fall!  They both turned 25 and I laughed when I read how excited they were to get a discount on car insurance and be able to rent a car without extra fees.  No really…I seriously giggled.  I’m SUCH an old lady!  Maddie started a new job in May of 2019 and said goodbye to the bank and hello to the insurance industry – Highmark BCBS!  She said she also started babysitting again to help with baby fever…and said it did not, in fact…help at all!  Cody is working as a paramedic in St. Clairsville and is one of the EMS supervisors for the city of Martins Ferry!  Maddie’s been enjoying DIY projects and is excited to soon be lounging in their pool!  Cody just bought a motorcycle and loves it.  He’s even creating man cave space!  They’ve added to their family too – two new dogs!  They now have Arson (3 years old and pictured above), Maverick (4 years old), and Jinxie (1 year old).  Check them out below!  Holy fur baby family!  They’re also hoping to add some human babies to the mix one day!  They’ve also said goodbye to their apartment and started renting a home and THEN they bought a house!  BUSY BUSY BUSY!

OOooo Julie.  Julie Julie Julie…I would love to say, “I don’t know where to even begin with you…” but we ALL know where to begin – RAIN.  Rain…rain…and some more rain!  I think EVERYONE knows these stories but Julie and Tanner are the perfect example of how something very awful (like rain on both your engagement session AND wedding) can become a great thing!  Let’s circle back to summer 2018, shall we?!  Julie planned a LOT and drove a long way just for it to not just rain but POUR on her engagement session.  She was feet in the sand…pump those brakes…NOT getting out of Tanner’s truck for these photos once I arrived.  I can still picture it now.  I don’t even think she could look at me she was so upset about the circumstances (which total makes me giggle now).  I convinced her to give it a try and PROMISED if she didn’t love the finished photos…we’d reshoot!  So, out we went…in the pouring RAIN!

Engagement Photos in the Rain

The fog loves Julie and Tanner!  My camera loves the dreaminess of the fog!


Rainy and Foggy Engagement Photos at Raccoon State Park

…it just kept on pouring.  We got like 3 minutes (photos above) when it stopped raining.

Rainy Engagement Photos under an Umbrella

It rained…and rained…we were soaked! But look at this magic…OooO why not.  Let’s make it dark for a moment!

Black and White Rainy Engagement Photo

…and at this point, she said…”OooO what the heck…Let’s just go ALL in…” and magic started to happen!  It was Nicholas Sparks kind of magic, I tell ya!

AHHHHHH!!!  I KNEW I loved them but I wasn’t sold on Julie loving them!  It ALL worked out though!!  I’m going to get these two back on my camera one day…DRY!

So then we joked for over a year about how it would rain on her wedding day.  Julie and I text ALL the time!  BUT, the wedding day rolled around and it called for clear skies!! WOOOOO!! Well, that’s what it “called for”…that’s not what actually happened as you all know!! Ooo man.  Poor Julie and Tanner!  BUT FIRST…let’s feast our eyes on some of the most joyful and colorful detail photos we took ALL YEAR!

Pink and Orange Rustic Bridal Details

Seriously, don’t you just feel so warm and happy looking at these beautiful, summer colors!?! EEEK!

Bright and Vibrant Pink and Orange Wedding Detail Photos

The Barn on Enchanted acres…is…IN FACT…enchanted!

The Barn on Enchanted Acres Reception Details

Ooo Julie…I could photograph you ALL the dang time!! AHHHH!  That dress…THAT DRESS!! It fit her like a glove!

Bride Posing for Wedding Photos at The Barn on Enchanted Acres

There is no wrong answer when it comes to Julie and my camera!

For real though…I couldn’t STOP!

Bride Posing on Chair in Field at The Barn on Enchanted Acres

Then, we got ready for the ceremony and we saw this deep, dark cloud….NOOOOOOOO!

One big drop…two big drops…WHAT THE?!  It was supposed to be DRY today!! The radar said otherwise!  And guests and vendors started to scatter!  Yes.  It was exactly like you are picturing in your head – people literally running for cover in every direction!

SOMEONE GET JULIE A DRINK!  I’m not even sure how she remained so calm because Ryan (co-owner of the Barn) and I were freaking!  I was freaking so much that one of the bridesmaids told Kari to make sure I didn’t go in the room because it would just stress Julie out more!  I did end up going in there and we “laughed” it out…because what the heck do you do?!  I tried to remain as calm as possible but I wasn’t even sure how we’d do photos with all the guests inside if we were forced to do that!

BUT…you know what?  It all worked out and they had some amazing laughs at this ceremony!  This is one of my favorite ceremony photos EVER!

Bride Laughing During Ceremony The Barn On Enchanted Acres

…but most importantly, what happens when you have rain and then lots of sun!?! A RAINBOW shows up!  A Hannah Barlow Photography FIRST!  Yes.  It’s legit.  SO many people asked for this photo after the fact and I had to explain that it was NOT photoshopped into the photo!

The Barn on Enchanted Acres Wedding Photo of Couple with Rainbow

That 30 minutes of rain was all that we had and then it was BEAUTIFUL…just like this bridal party!

Bride and groom formals for EVERYONEEEE!

Bride Sitting on Stool with Groom at The Barn on Enchanted Acres

That swing is tricky but we got this!  We had so many laughs too!

Bride and Groom Sitting on Swing at the Barn on Enchanted Acres

OooO we’re getting back into the Nicholas Sparks feel again, right?!

Groom Carrying Bride Through Field at The Barn on Enchanted Acres

Whewwwww…WE MADE IT!  I was able to BREATH again!

Remember how I said the fog loves Julie and Tanner?!  That’s right!! Rain leads to rainbows and fog…and OooO my goodness me!!!!  IT LEAD TO ABSOLUTE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY GORGEOUSNESS!

Bride and Groom Sunset Photos at The Barn on Enchanted Acres

…and Kari NAILED IT with this silhouette shot!  For real, I’m getting this baby on metal for my studio!

Bride and Groom Sunset Silhouette Photos

Oooo man…all that rainy stress aside, I would do that wedding over..and over…and ovvvveeerrrrrrrrr again!  I totally would.  I seriously could photograph Julie all day long.  I’d say Tanner too…but I’m pretty sure he’d pass! HA!  SO, WHERE ARE THEY NOW?! Well, they still haven’t been able to go on that honeymoon…AHHHHH!  They both went back to work the very Monday after their wedding but did do a weekend in Cleveland the next weekend!  They’re hoping once all this virus madness is over they can finally make that happen (I know a girl, Julie…she’ll take care of you just like we took care of each other through your wedding).  These two had FIVE other weddings to attend after theirs…Jeesh! AND all within 12 weeks!  MADNESS!  Julie ran her third half marathon right after that wedding too!  To top it all off, she graduated with her Bachelors Degree in Nursing last December and is currently looking into a nurse practitioner program to become SANE nurse certified!  AND Tanner will be starting his MBA in the fall.  He’s currently teaching from home and super bummed the FFA competitions have been cancelled…again…THANKS, RONA!  They’re both currently looking for a house closer to their jobs and ready to get out of their apartment!  Julie tells me she needs alllllll the wall space for all these photos.  They still have their fur baby, Drizzles…they want him to be a big brother some day!  Fur baby…not human baby yet! HA!  They’ve still got TWO more weddings to attend after all of that too!! They’re busy folks!  Whewwww!  I do love seeing these two dressed up!


As a fellow cat lover, I love this photo of their fur baby!

Well, that’s it for August weddings!! Next up, September!! CALLING ALL SEPTEMBER PAST COUPLES!

As always, if you’d like to relive these weddings in full, use the links below!

Maddie & Cody

Julie & Tanner

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My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images





Chelsey + Mike

Amanda + Noah
Wheeling Scenic Sites

Kassie + Cullen
Bella Amore

Melanie + Justin
Summer Oglebay

Here on the blog, every couple relives their wedding day.

A Keepsake for Every Couple