My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images

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The P. Family | Wellsburg, WV

Hi, everyone!! Meet the P. family!!!  Jacqui was my college roommate!  West Liberty couldn’t have picked two people who more different to put in one small room together if they tried!  It changed my life for the better though!! Jacqui comes from a large family and I’m an only child!  She ended up being my very favorite person to be around in college and most of my best memories include her.  She’s very special!  I was also a bridesmaid in her wedding years ago when she married Anthony!  Now, they have this beautiful, little boy and I was lucky enough to be asked to photograph them!


First, we had a little pep talk from mom!

 Family Photographer Wellsburg, WV

I just love this picture below because it was one of the first I took and I was thinking “Uh oh…he’s already over it!”.  I got lucky though!  He was all about the camera!

 Family Photographer Wellsburg, WV

Check out the cuteness!

 Family Photographer Wellsburg, WV

More cuteness!!!!!

 Family Photographer Wellsburg, WV

 Family Photographer Wellsburg, WV

 Family Photographer Wellsburg, WV

Check out this beautiful family!! I can’t believe it! I remember when Jacqui and I were sitting together in our room planning our weddings!

 Family Photographer Wellsburg, WV

 Family Photographer Wellsburg, WV

 Family Photographer Wellsburg, WV

Thanks for looking!

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My priority to be more and do more and create an experience they will never forget Capturing their memories in a fun and memorable way is just as important as their beautiful images





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